OP here with the benchmark results. I have included my own ("op") which I had started out with, which loops over the bad indices and adds 1...n to them then takes the uniques to find the mask indices. You can see it in the code below with all the other responses.
Anyway here are the results. The facets are size of array along x (10 thru 10e7) and size of window along y(5, 50, 500, 5000). Then it's by coder in each facet, with a log-10 score because we're talking microseconds through minutes.
@swenzel appears to be the winner with his second answer, displacing @moarningsun's first answer (moarningsun's second answer was crashing the machine through massive memory use, but that's probably because it was not designed for large n or non-sparse a).
The chart does not do justice to the fastest of these contributions because of the (necessary) log scale. They're dozens, hundreds of times faster than even decent looping solutions. swenzel1 is 1000x faster than op in the largest case, and op is already making use of numpy.
Please note that I have used a numpy version compiled against the optimised Intel MKL libraries which make full use of the AVX instructions present since 2012. In some vector use cases this will increase an i7/Xeon speed by a factor of 5. Some of the contributions may be benefitting more than others.
Here is the full code to run all the submitted answers so far, including my own. Function allagree() makes sure that results are correct, while timeall() will give you a long-form pandas Dataframe with all the results in seconds.
You can rerun it fairly easily with new code, or change my assumptions. Please keep in mind I did not take into account other factors such as memory usage. Also, I resorted to R ggplot2 for the graphic as I don't know seaborn/matplotlib well enough to make it do what I want.
For completeness, all the results agree:
In [4]: allagree(n = 7, asize = 777)
AGML0 AGML1 askewchan0 askewchan1 askewchan2 moarningsun0 \
AGML0 True True True True True True
AGML1 True True True True True True
askewchan0 True True True True True True
askewchan1 True True True True True True
askewchan2 True True True True True True
moarningsun0 True True True True True True
swenzel0 True True True True True True
swenzel1 True True True True True True
op True True True True True True
swenzel0 swenzel1 op
AGML0 True True True
AGML1 True True True
askewchan0 True True True
askewchan1 True True True
askewchan2 True True True
moarningsun0 True True True
swenzel0 True True True
swenzel1 True True True
op True True True
Thank you to all who submitted!
Code for the graphic after exporting output of timeall() using pd.to_csv and read.csv in R:
ww <- read.csv("ww.csv")
ggplot(ww, aes(x=coder, y=value, col = coder)) + geom_point(size = 3) + scale_y_continuous(trans="log10")+ facet_grid(nsize ~ asize) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + ggtitle("Fastest by coder") + ylab("time (seconds)")
Code for the test:
# test Stack Overflow 32706135 nan shift routines
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from timeit import Timer
from scipy import ndimage
from skimage import morphology
import itertools
import pdb
def AGML0(a, n): # loop itertools
maskleft = np.where(np.isnan(a))[0]
maskright = maskleft + n
mask = np.zeros(len(a),dtype=bool)
for l,r in itertools.izip(maskleft,maskright):
mask[l:r] = True
return mask
def AGML1(a, n): # loop n
nn = n - 1
maskleft = np.where(np.isnan(a))[0]
ghost_mask = np.zeros(len(a)+nn,dtype=bool)
for i in range(0, nn+1):
thismask = maskleft + i
ghost_mask[thismask] = True
mask = ghost_mask[:len(ghost_mask)-nn]
return mask
def askewchan0(a, n):
m = np.isnan(a)
i = np.arange(1, len(m)+1)
ind = np.column_stack([i-n, i]) # may be a faster way to generate this
ind.clip(0, len(m)-1, out=ind)
return np.bitwise_or.reduceat(m, ind.ravel())[::2]
def askewchan1(a, n):
m = np.isnan(a)
s = np.full(n, True, bool)
return ndimage.binary_dilation(m, structure=s, origin=-(n//2))
def askewchan2(a, n):
m = np.isnan(a)
s = np.zeros(2*n - n%2, bool)
s[-n:] = True
return morphology.binary_dilation(m, selem=s)
def moarningsun0(a, n):
mask = np.isnan(a)
cs = np.cumsum(mask)
cs[n:] -= cs[:-n].copy()
return cs > 0
def moarningsun1(a, n):
mask = np.isnan(a)
idx = np.flatnonzero(mask)
expanded_idx = idx[:,None] + np.arange(1, n)
np.put(mask, expanded_idx, True, 'clip')
return mask
def swenzel0(a, n):
m = np.isnan(a)
k = m.copy()
for i in range(1, n):
k[i:] |= m[:-i]
return k
def swenzel1(a, n=4):
m = np.isnan(a)
k = m.copy()
# lenM and lenK say for each mask how many
# subsequent Trues there are at least
lenM, lenK = 1, 1
# we run until a combination of both masks will give us n or more
# subsequent Trues
while lenM+lenK < n:
# append what we have in k to the end of what we have in m
m[lenM:] |= k[:-lenM]
# swap so that m is again the small one
m, k = k, m
# update the lengths
lenM, lenK = lenK, lenM+lenK
# see how much m has to be shifted in order to append the missing Trues
k[n-lenM:] |= m[:-n+lenM]
return k
def op(a, n):
m = np.isnan(a)
for x in range(1, n):
m = np.logical_or(m, np.r_[False, m][:-1])
return m
# all the functions in a list. NB these are the actual functions, not their names
funcs = [AGML0, AGML1, askewchan0, askewchan1, askewchan2, moarningsun0, swenzel0, swenzel1, op]
def allagree(fns = funcs, n = 10, asize = 100):
""" make sure result is the same from all functions """
fnames = [f.__name__ for f in fns]
a = np.random.rand(asize)
a[np.random.randint(0, asize, int(asize / 10))] = np.nan
results = dict([(f.__name__, f(a, n)) for f in fns])
isgood = [[np.array_equal(results[f1], results[f2]) for f1 in fnames] for f2 in fnames]
pdgood = pd.DataFrame(isgood, columns = fnames, index = fnames)
if not all([all(x) for x in isgood]):
print "not all results identical"
return pdgood
def timeone(f):
""" time one of the functions across the full range of a nd n """
print "Timing", f.__name__
Ns = np.array([10**x for x in range(0, 4)]) * 5 # 5 to 5000 window size
As = [np.random.rand(10 ** x) for x in range(1, 8)] # up to 10 million data data points
for i in range(len(As)): # 10% of points are always bad
As[i][np.random.randint(0, len(As[i]), len(As[i]) / 10)] = np.nan
results = np.array([[Timer(lambda: f(a, n)).timeit(number = 1) if n < len(a) \
else np.nan for n in Ns] for a in As])
pdresults = pd.DataFrame(results, index = [len(x) for x in As], columns = Ns)
return pdresults
def timeall(fns = funcs):
""" run timeone for all known funcs """
testd = dict([(x.__name__, timeone(x)) for x in fns])
testdf = pd.concat(testd.values(), axis = 0, keys = testd.keys())
testdf.index.names = ["coder", "asize"]
testdf.columns.names = ["nsize"]
testdf.reset_index(inplace = True)
testdf = pd.melt(testdf, id_vars = ["coder", "asize"])
return testdf