I have a Perl boilerplate module similar to common::sense or Modern::Perl. It's roughly a rip off of Modern::Perl. It looks like this (shortened to keep this question concise):

package Prologue;

use strict;
use feature  ();
use utf8;

sub import {
    strict  ->import;
    feature ->import( ':5.20', 'signatures' );
    utf8    ->import;

All in all this works fine. Except for the UTF-8 pragma. Manually adding use utf8; in the calling code has the desired effect.

So how can I inject the UTF-8 pragma into the calling code?

  • What are you trying to accomplish? Just switching on utf8; by default isn't as simple as it sounds.
    – Sobrique
    Sep 23, 2015 at 16:47
  • I want use utf8; so I can use non ASCII chars in variable names (german umlauts in my case). I do admit, that I have not understood the world of unicode in Perl in its entirety. Sep 23, 2015 at 16:54
  • This might be relevant reading then: stackoverflow.com/questions/6162484/…
    – Sobrique
    Sep 23, 2015 at 16:55
  • Shame on me... I had a typo in use ProLogue;. I am on Windows, which is case insensitive and did not report the error. Should this question better be deleted? Sep 23, 2015 at 17:15
  • @patszim It actually can't be deleted because it's got an upvoted answer. I would make your last comment an answer in the off chance that someone else in the future has a similar issue. Sep 23, 2015 at 17:27

3 Answers 3


Works for me.

$ cat Prologue.pm
package Prologue;
require utf8;
sub import { utf8->import }

$ cat a.pl
$_ = "é";
CORE::say(sprintf("%vX", $_));
use Prologue;
$_ = "é";
CORE::say(sprintf("%vX", $_));

$ perl a.pl

(Self-answered by patszim)

As pointed out by ikegami this does work as expected. My failure was a typo in the use statement: use ProLogue; with a capital "L" instead of use Prologue;. On my case-insensitive Windows system this causes Perl to silently not import the Prologue module.

The silent import failure on Windows now has a bug report.


This is not a direct answer but a pointer for people trying to create their own boilerplate modules.

The Import::Into module can import arbitrary modules into other packages. It has a very good explanation of what can go wrong and what to do about it: Why to use this module? I myself did not use that module but copied the respective tricks into my boilerplate module.

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