Answering Original Post
For the small amount of data that you'd save by doing the following, it's almost not worth it. That being said...
Find where current versions are stored in nvm:
> nvm which
# mac
# linux
Find all your non-nvm installed versions of node:
> which -a node
(..pending how you are running each of your terminals for each version of node installed will tell how effective this command will be).
Then symbolic link each of them to a folder matching the version.
> ln -s /path/to/node/version ~/.nvm/versions/node/[version]
# `$HOME` or `~/` or `/Home/username/` ... you know which works.
Node and Version Swapping Made Simple
nvm-controlled versions of node installed
> nvm ls
-> v5.1.1
default -> v5.1.1
system -> v5.1.1
node -> stable (-> v5.1.1) (default)
stable -> 5.1 (-> v5.1.1) (default)
iojs -> N/A (default)
Install version x, x.y, or x.y.z: nvm install x.y.z
> nvm install 4.2.2
# If you want all modules from another version too:
> nvm install 4.2.2 --reinstall-packages-from=0.10.40
Set the default version used:
> nvm use 5.1.1
# But if only a local node command required, use:
# nvm exec [version] [command]
> nvm exec 0.10.33 node server.js
.nvmrc file in project root to define which local version of node to use.
#.nvmrc file contents: