From my understanding, the wp_postmeta extends the schema for wp_post. So basically the standard fields/structure for a post will be found in wp_posts, and if any post(s) needed their own set of fields/attributes etc, they would be defined in wp_postmeta table. So I wanted to know if I'm right about this or not?


2 Answers 2


You are absolutely right. If there exist some meta box or "own set of fields/attributes" wp_postmeta table will store those field's values.


Have a look at this: https://codex.wordpress.org/images/2/2a/WP3.9.4-ERD.png

wp_postmeta (similar to wp_usermeta for users and wp_commentmenta for comments) stores any additional information which is connected to a post somehow especially user-defined.

Use the functions


which are already implementing object and array serialization/deserialization (and a lot of more) in order to store custom information which is not stored within the wp_posts table.

  • 2
    If i wanted to have a look at something i would've done so beforehand and noted it in my question. This is a Q&A website, please follow the rules at the bare minimum. Ty nonetheless.
    – dave
    Commented Oct 7, 2015 at 3:18

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