I am novice in perl. I have this sample code.

#! /usr/bin/perl
# Calcu.pm

package Calc;

sub add {
    ( $one , $two ) = @_;
    $total = $one + $two;
    return $total;



#! /usr/bin/perl
# add.pl

use Calcu;

print Calcu::add(50, 60);

script add.pl is running fine. but I want to call the add method without mentioning its module name. I googled & added below lines in my Calcu.pm

use Exporter;

@ISA = (Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw (add);

& replace print Calcu::add(50, 60); with print add(50, 60); in add.pl but it is still giving me the below error.

Undefined subroutine &main::add called at add.pl 

Is there any way possible so that I can directly call add subroutine in my ad.pl?

1 Answer 1


Change package Calc; to package Calcu; in Calcu.pm

The mismatch in package names is what is giving you trouble.

Have a read through perldoc Exporter for the gory details.

Have a look at perldoc perlootut for an overview of different ways in perl to create objects.

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