I am experiencing HUGE performance issues with iOS9 and I just can't figure out what to do. I've read many posts - here, and here for example, but their suggested solutions don't help or make little difference.
My game has gone from 60fps on an old iPad 2 (iOS 8.4) to < 15fps on a new iPad mini (iOS 9).
I'm trying to work out the main culprit. I'm pretty certain one of them is SKCropNodes. I usually render several SKCropNodes in my scene (6 - 18). This was never an issue in iOS8, but it appears iOS9, while it does a better job of cropping, also eats up performance doing so.
If I render the crop nodes as normal SKSpriteNodes, I gain maybe 5fps on old devices, and up to 30 on a newer iPhone 6. I have no alternative to using crop nodes, but it can't be the whole problem.
I thought perhaps the wrong texture atlas was being used - i.e. one of a much larger resolution. However forcing my device to use a very small atlas made no difference.
I'm using Texture Packer to generate my atlases with scaling variants for the different devices. I've noticed XCAssets now features an option to add a Sprite Atlas (I can't seem to find any documentation about this). This isn't suitable to my game, since I use 100s of sprites. I've tried adding my atlases to XCAssets, but then for some reason it won't use the scaling variants. Nevertheless, with low res textures, it still runs terribly.
I have tried setting
skView.ignoresSiblingOrder = YES;
and given all my nodes zPosition values, but still no effect. I have also added the .png extension to every image name (originally a problem that meant they wouldn't render.)
I have some SKEffectNodes in my scenes, but removing and adding these doesn't seem to have an effect.
I don't understand how the same hardware and the same code can produce such drastically different results. Obviously Apple has changed something to do with rendering that has had an adverse effect. They also seem to have no intention of fixing these issues. I am aware of bugs on the issue that have been there for months - long before iOS9 was released.
I've been working on this game for 2 years now, and only just released it before iOS9. It's now suffering from terrible performance, and regular crashes.
Has anyone figured out what exactly Apple did to kill performance? If I knew that, I could at least try to work around it... Thanks.
Below are some figures for the same scene, with the absolute maximum number of nodes the game would generate at one time.
iOS 8, iPad 2, ~200 nodes, ~100 draws, 58.7 - 60 fps
iOS 9, iPhone6, ~280 nodes, ~216 draws, around 20 fps
I assume the difference in number of nodes is due to the different screen sizes. If I change the scene on iPhone 6 to achieve equivalent values, the FPS is still around 24.
Using Xcode's template Sprite Kit project, and changing the spaceship to an SKCropNode containing the spaceship, on iOS 8 I am able to add 100s of ships with no frame rate issue. On iOS 9, same project, I can add about 25 before the frame rate drops to < 30.
iOS 8 on iPad2:
iOS 9 iPhone 5:
In terms of texture atlas use, as in my comment, I can't guarantee that anything will be drawn from the same atlas. My game contains customised characters, with assets from a range of atlases (each of which contains ~100 textures). There can be up to 9 characters on screen at a time. I understand this isn't the most efficient in terms of draws, but I've never had a problem until iOS9...
Update 3
I've submitted a bug to Apple, including my sample program. I also used up one of my tech support requests. So far, nothing from Apple.