I'm fairly new to Linux (Ubuntu 10.04) and a total novice to assembler. I was following some tutorials and I couldn't find anything specific to Linux. So, my question is, what is a good package to compile/run assembler and what are the command line commands to compile/run for that package?
I'm in the same boat. I've never really picked up asm on Linux because there's no real presence. Maybe it's because on Windows cracking is all the rage.– Matt JoinerCommented Jul 23, 2010 at 2:21
These don't completely answer my question. I still want to know what console commands you would use to compile and run programs in NASM or gas– Rafe KettlerCommented Jul 23, 2010 at 3:01
My preference is NASM. I give you some info on how to get it up and running on Ubuntu below.– JustinCommented Jul 23, 2010 at 3:28
8 Answers
The GNU assembler is probably already installed on your system. Try man as
to see full usage information. You can use as
to compile individual files and ld to link if you really, really want to.
However, GCC makes a great front-end. It can assemble .s files for you. For example:
$ cat >hello.s <<"EOF"
.section .rodata # read-only static data
.globl hello
.string "Hello, world!" # zero-terminated C string
.global main
push %rbp
mov %rsp, %rbp # create a stack frame
mov $hello, %edi # put the address of hello into RDI
call puts # as the first arg for puts
mov $0, %eax # return value = 0. Normally xor %eax,%eax
leave # tear down the stack frame
ret # pop the return address off the stack into RIP
$ gcc hello.s -no-pie -o hello
$ ./hello
Hello, world!
The code above is x86-64. If you want to make a position-independent executable (PIE), you'd need lea hello(%rip), %rdi
, and call puts@plt
A non-PIE executable (position-dependent) can use 32-bit absolute addressing for static data, but a PIE should use RIP-relative LEA. (See also Difference between movq and movabsq in x86-64 neither movq
nor movabsq
are a good choice.)
If you wanted to write 32-bit code, the calling convention is different, and RIP-relative addressing isn't available. (So you'd push $hello
before the call, and pop the stack args after.)
You can also compile C/C++ code directly to assembly if you're curious how something works:
$ cat >hello.c <<EOF
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
printf("Hello, world!\n");
return 0;
$ gcc -S hello.c -o hello.s
See also How to remove "noise" from GCC/clang assembly output? for more about looking at compiler output, and writing useful small functions that will compile to interesting output.
The GNU assembler (gas) and NASM are both good choices. However, they have some differences, the big one being the order you put operations and their operands.
gas uses AT&T syntax (guide: https://stackoverflow.com/tags/att/info):
mnemonic source, destination
nasm uses Intel style (guide: https://stackoverflow.com/tags/intel-syntax/info):
mnemonic destination, source
Either one will probably do what you need. GAS also has an Intel-syntax mode, which is a lot like MASM, not NASM.
Try out this tutorial: http://asm.sourceforge.net/intro/Assembly-Intro.html
See also more links to guides and docs in Stack Overflow's x86 tag wiki
1Thanks, that tutorial is great since it's linux specific. Also, the tutorial had very specific instructions on how to compile and run assembler progs in linux Commented Jul 23, 2010 at 3:39
1gas has supported ".intel_syntax" for a while - I'd personally still use fasm, yasm or nasm though.– snemarchCommented Sep 29, 2010 at 14:20
If you are using NASM, the command-line is just
nasm -felf32 -g -Fdwarf file.asm -o file.o
where 'file.asm' is your assembly file (code) and 'file.o' is an object file you can link with gcc -m32
or ld -melf_i386
. (Assembling with nasm -felf64
will make a 64-bit object file, but the hello world example below uses 32-bit system calls, and won't work in a PIE executable.)
Here is some more info:
You can install NASM in Ubuntu with the following command:
apt-get install nasm
Here is a basic Hello World in Linux assembly to whet your appetite:
I hope this is what you were asking...
There is also FASM for Linux.
format ELF executable
segment readable executable
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, hello_msg
mov edx, hello_size
int 80h
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 0
int 80h
segment readable writeable
hello_msg db "Hello World!",10,0
hello_size = $-hello_msg
It comiles with
fasm hello.asm hello
My suggestion would be to get the book Programming From Ground Up:
That is a very good starting point for getting into assembler programming under linux and it explains a lot of the basics you need to understand to get started.
3 syntax (nasm, tasm, gas ) in 1 assembler, yasm.
For Ubuntu 18.04 installnasm
. Open the terminal and type:
sudo apt install as31 nasm
nasm docs
For compiling and running:
nasm -f elf64 example.asm # assemble the program
ld -s -o example example.o # link the object file nasm produced into an executable file
./example # example is an executable file
as31 is an assembler for 8051 code. Linux doesn't run on 8051 microcontrollers, so you can't link and then run anything you assemble with it right on your Linux machine (which is what this question was about). Commented Nov 14, 2018 at 21:50
1@Geancarlo Murillo This is just the best answer. Thank you so much. This worked perfectly. Just exactly what I needed! Commented Feb 4, 2021 at 14:01