I am getting a Module not found error when using jwt
. Here is how I declared it:
def create_jwt_token():
payload = {
"iat": int(time.time())
shared_key = REST_API_TOKEN
payload['email'] = EMAIL
payload['password'] = PASSWORD
jwt_string = jwt.encode(payload, shared_key)
encoded_jwt = urllib.quote_plus(jwt_string) # URL encode the JWT string
return encoded_jwt
The error message says encode is not found in jwt
. I did a tab on jwt
and found that the encode is a method inside jwt.JWT
. I tried changing it to
jwt_string = jwt.JWT.encode(payload, shared_key)
and it gives this error:
unbound method encode() must be called with JWT instance as first argument (got dict instance instead)
What am I doing it wrong? Here is the version information of my Python environment:
2.7.10 |Anaconda 2.3.0 (64-bit)| (default, May 28 2015, 16:44:52) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
object. Doesjwt.JWT().encode(...)