i manage to connect and access a smb share server using pysmb. what i meant is to read/write/delete/create files/folders to/from the server.
majority of the time i need to read file ( be it jpg or csv and etc) from the server base on the smb device and service name (pysmb terms).
basically i have no idea what is the filename and directory name in the smb devices. meaning the naming is dynamics.
i am wondering is it a good idea to get the filtered directory tree first before processing read files. the numbers of files and directories is not known with about 3 months data about 60TB.
listPath(service_name, path, search=55, pattern='*', timeout=30)
the above methods about to get only 1 specific level of the hierarchy.
what i want is the similar output from os.walk.path()
anybody have experience in idea? can i get suggestions? thank you very much.