Is there a way to change the config file to make jupyter qtconsole run the following command on startup?:

%matplotlib inline

3 Answers 3


Add this line to the ipython_config.py file (not the ipython_qtconsole_config.py file):

c.InteractiveShellApp.matplotlib = 'inline'
  • 2
    Awesome. I was unaware of all the customization that could be done with the ipython_config.py file... If anyone else doesn't already have that file, run ipython profile create.
    – userABC123
    Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 4:17

In your ipython_config.py file you can specify commands to run at startup (including magic % commands) by setting c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines. For example,

c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = """
%matplotlib inline
%autoreload 2
import your_favorite_module

Open the file ~/.ipython/profile_default/ipython_config.py, and

c.InteractiveShellApp.code_to_run = ''


c.InteractiveShellApp.code_to_run = '%pylab inline'

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