Im' trying to do a function file_browser_callback, mais it's seem's not working :
In my browser :
Uncaught TypeError: a is not a function
Function call :
function elFinderBrowser (field_name, url, type, win) {{
title: "elFinder 2.0",
width: 900,
height: 450,
resizable: 'yes'
}, {
setUrl: function (url) {
win.document.getElementById(field_name).value = url;
return false;
And my tiny init :
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var $configs = {"language":"fr","file_browser_callback":"elFinderBrowser","plugins":"bootstrap code codemirror fullscreen preview table visualblocks link image media","toolbar1":"styleselect | bold italic | fontsizeselect | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | link image media | bootstrap | code preview","menubar":false,"toolbar_items_size":"small","codemirror":"path: \"CodeMirror\"","script_url":"\/bundles\/whadmin\/js\/plugin\/tinymce\/tinymce.min.js"};
var $textarea = jQuery('#wh_cmsbundle_page_body');
if($'[required]')) {
$configs.oninit = function(editor) {
editor.onChange.add(function(ed, l) {; });