One way to achieve efficiently is to add a column to your data Shuffle
that is populated with a random int (as each record is created).
The query to access the table then becomes ...
Random random = new Random();
int seed = random.Next();
result = result.OrderBy(s => (~(s.Shuffle & seed)) & (s.Shuffle | seed)); // ^ seed);
This does an XOR operation in the database and orders by the results of that XOR.
- Efficient: SQL handles the
ordering, no need to fetch the whole
- Repeatable: (good for
testing) - can use the same random
seed to generate the same random
- Works on most (all?) Entity Framework supported
This is the approach used by my home automation system to randomize playlists. It picks a new seed each day giving a consistent order during the day (allowing easy pause / resume capabilities) but a fresh look at each playlist each new day.