I have a data frame with some columns with missing values. Is there a way (using dplyr) to efficiently calculate the percentage of each column that is missing i.e. NA. Sought of like a colSum equivalent. So I dont have to calculate each column percentage missing individually ?
3 Answers
First, I created a test data for you:
a<- c(1,NA,NA,4)
b<- c(NA,2,3,4)
x<- data.frame(a,b)
# a b
# 1 1 NA
# 2 NA 2
# 3 NA 3
# 4 4 4
Then you can use colMeans(is.na(x))
# a b
# 0.50 0.25
2Thanks to Ben Bolker comment.– user3710546Commented Nov 4, 2015 at 4:14
We can use summarise_each
x %>%
Loving the concision of purrr::map
for this type of thing:
x %>% map(~ mean(is.na(.)))
x %>% map(~ mean(is.na(.))) %>% keep(~ 1 %in% .) %>% names() This keeps only the columns who are all na.– mteleshaCommented Aug 28, 2018 at 16:29
(base R rather thandplyr
) might work.dplyr
.Calculate using dplyr
. Am I missing something?