The following method calculates the percentage using two variables.

func casePercentage() {
        let percentage = Int(Double(cases) / Double(calls) * 100)
        percentageLabel.stringValue = String(percentage) + "%"

The above method is functioning well except when cases = 1 and calls = 0. This gives a fatal error: floating point value can not be converted to Int because it is either infinite or NaN

So I created this workaround:

func casePercentage() {
    if calls != 0 {
        let percentage = Int(Double(cases) / Double(calls) * 100)
        percentageLabel.stringValue = String(percentage) + "%"
    } else {
        percentageLabel.stringValue = "0%"

This will give no errors but in other languages you can check a variable with an .isNaN() method. How does this work within Swift2?


1 Answer 1


You can "force unwrap" the optional type using the ! operator:

calls! //asserts that calls is NOT nil and gives a non-optional type

However, this will result in a runtime error if it is nil.

One option to prevent using nil or 0 is to do what you have done and check if it's 0.

The second is option is to nil-check

if calls != nil

The third (and most Swift-y) option is to use the if let structure:

if let nonNilCalls = calls {

The inside of the if block won't run if calls is nil.

Note that nil-checking and if let will NOT protect you from dividing by 0. You will have to check for that separately.

Combining second and your method:

//calls can neither be nil nor <= 0
if calls != nil && calls > 0

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