
I have a pandas data frame with a column representing dates in the format yyyy-mm-dd. This are sorted oldest to newest. I want to add a column next to it with the difference in time between the date at that row and the previous date.

In excel this would be something like:

enter image description here

  • Where exactly are you struggling with this?
    – That1Guy
    Nov 6, 2015 at 17:20

2 Answers 2


Assuming your "date" column is stored as a datetime64 type, you can just do

df['difference'] = df.date.diff()

Check df.dtypes to ensure the date type is correct first.


solved it

data['lowered'] = data['date'].shift(+1)

data['difference'] =  data['date'] - data['lowered']
  • 1
    That's a lot slower than calling diff() because you are unnecessarily creating temporary variables. Nov 6, 2015 at 17:29

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