my datatable;
ID | ID2
1 | 2
1 | 3
dtData.Select("ID = 1"); one more rows;
i want row "ID = 1 And ID2 = 3" how to make ?
Okay, here is how I do such things...
GridFieldDAO dao = new GridFieldDAO();
//Load My DataTable
DataTable dt = dao.getDT();
//Get My rows based off selection criteria
DataRow[] drs = dt.Select("(detailID = 1) AND (detailTypeID = 2)");
//make a new "results" datatable via clone to keep structure
DataTable dt2 = dt.Clone();
//Import the Rows
foreach (DataRow d in drs)
//Bind to my new DataTable and it will only show rows based off selection
myGrid.DataSource = dt2;
Notice in my Select() I put the criteria in Parens between AND and OR
Hope this helps! Mike V
around. If your filter happens to return no rows, and you need the schema somewhere deep in your code, you're not going to get it from an empty array!
Better use this :
GridFieldDAO dao = new GridFieldDAO();
//Load My DataTable
DataTable dt = dao.getDT();
//Get My rows based off selection criteria and copy them directly to datatable
DataTable dt2 = dt.Select("(detailID = 1) AND (detailTypeID = 2)").CopyToDataTable();
Here you can copy your contents to another DataTable by using CopyToDataTable method of Linq while selecting the specific rows by filtering.
DataTable dt2 = dt.Select("state = 'FL' ").CopyToDataTable;
Great example and very helpful. Wanted to add one thing - if you need to select on a string use something like:
DataTable dt2 = dt.Select("state = 'FL' ");