When I call navigation controller from view controller, navigation controller become nil. How can I access navigation controller?

override func setUp() {
    self.viewController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("FirstViewController") as! FirstViewController
    XCTAssertNotNil(self.viewController.navigationController,"Navigation is nil")
  • it should be self.navigationController not self.viewController.navigationController Nov 12, 2015 at 7:53
  • self is FirstViewControllerTest script for unit test. If using self.navigationController is will become Value of type 'FirstViewControllerTest' had no member for 'navigationController'
    – user831098
    Nov 12, 2015 at 9:55

1 Answer 1


To test navigationController, you need to add it to array of view controllers.

func testViewControllerShouldHaveNavigationController() {
    let viewController = UIViewController()
    let navigation = UINavigationController()
    navigation.viewControllers = [viewController]

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