I would like add difference between group by year(datetime),month(datetime) and groupb by extract(year_month from datetime).
here is the query i tried with these two cases.
select year(datetimecol) as Year,monthname(datetimecol) as Month from table
group by year(datetimecol) and month(datetimecol) order by year(datetimecol) desc;
Year, Month
2020, May
select year( datetimecol) as Year,monthname(datetimecol) as Month from table
GROUP BY EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM datetimecol) order by year(datetimecol) desc,month(datetimecol) asc;
Year, Month
2021, January
2021, February
2021, March
2021, April
2021, May
2020, May
2020, June
2020, July
2020, August
2020, September
2020, October
2020, November
2020, December
(this is the result i need)
My observation
1.when i am using with group by year(datetimecol),month(datetimecol) , not giving desired result ..might be because of datetime feild...
2.when i tired second query with GROUP BY EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM datetimecol) order by year(datetimecol)...its working absolutely fine.
in conclusion, for getting months by year wise use the following query.
select year( datetimecol) as Year,monthname(datetimecol) as Month from table
GROUP BY EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM datetimecol) order by year(datetimecol) desc,month(datetimecol) asc;