Under Spring Boot 1.3.0.M5 I'm using
in application.properties.
But I still can set the size to 40 in a URL and get a correct response. For example : http://localhost:8080/cine20-spring/api/films?page=0&size=40&sort=title,asc
will give me back 40 films
So what is the use of this parameter ?
Update test with Spring-Boot 1.4.2
There is still a problem : By default WITHOUT the dependencies spring-boot-starter-data-rest , the max-page-size is set to 2000 by default and changing the max-page-size value won't work :
Adding spring-boot-starter-data-rest => the max-page-size is now set to 1000 by default , then changing the param max-page-size will work:
I still believe, this is strange behavior.
You could find private int maxPageSize = 1000;
which explains why it changed to 1000. I haven't found, why it is set to 2000 from the start though.
I would like to set the param spring.data.rest.max-page-size
freely without the need to add the dependency : spring-boot-starter-data-rest, but unfortunately I haven't found a way so far.