In JUnit you can fail a test by doing:

fail("Exception not thrown");

What's the best way to achieve the same using Chai.js?

5 Answers 5


There's assert.fail(). You can use it like this:

assert.fail(0, 1, 'Exception not thrown');
  • 4
    ... and your answer is the right one in case there is no other option, so you get my upvote, too :)
    – hashchange
    Commented Nov 17, 2015 at 17:10
  • @hashchange There's one good example where you would use that instead of "to.throw" and that's in the case of where you might throw errors in object constructors.
    – Mayhem93
    Commented Dec 20, 2016 at 21:46

There are many ways to fake a failure – like the assert.fail() mentioned by @DmytroShevchenko –, but usually, it is possible to avoid these crutches and express the intent of the test in a better way, which will lead to more meaningful messages if the tests fail.

For instance, if you expect a exception to be thrown, why not say so directly:

expect( function () {
    // do stuff here which you expect to throw an exception
} ).to.throw( Error );

As you can see, when testing exceptions, you have to wrap your code in an anonymous function.

Of course, you can refine the test by checking for a more specific error type, expected error message etc. See .throw in the Chai docs for more.

  • 2
    I completely agree that what you have outlined is a better approach. Commented Nov 17, 2015 at 15:25

Just try

expect.fail("custom error message");


should.fail("custom error message");

as decribed in chai docs : https://www.chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_fail


I also stumbled that here was no direct fail(msg). For some time, I worked around with...

assert.isOk(false, 'timeOut must throw')

(Using this in places that should not be reachable, i.e. in promise-testing…)

Chai is compatible with standard ES6 errors, so this works:

throw new Error('timeOut must throw') 

…or, since assert itself is essentially the same as assert.isOK… my favourite is:

assert(false,'timeOut must throw')

…well, almost as short as assert.fail(….


I did this way

const expect = require('chai').expect;
const exists = true;
expect(!exists).to.throw('Unknown request type');

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