In my application I have a Window with three DataGrids on it. All DataGrids should have the same colums.

Two of the DataGrids are bound to an ObservableCollection<DisplayItem>. The third DataGrid is bound to an ObservableCollection<GeneralItem>.

The class GeneralItem has a property of type DisplayItem.

The definition of the DataGridTemplateColumn for the Item-Name in two of three DataGrids looks like:

<DataGridTemplateColumn Width="Auto" Header="Item-Name">
        <TextBlock Style="{StaticResource DataGridTextBlockStyle}" 
                   Text="{Binding Module.DisplayItem.Text}"/>

The definition of the DataGridTemplateColumn for the Item-Name in the third DataGrid looks like:

<DataGridTemplateColumn Width="Auto" Header="Item-Name">
        <TextBlock Style="{StaticResource DataGridTextBlockStyle}" 
                   Text="{Binding Module.GeneralItem.DisplayItem.Text}"/>

I know that I can make DataGridTemplateColumns to resources and use it as StaticResources.

What I now want to know: Is there a possibility that I only have to write the DataGridTemplateColumn once and it can handle both situations? For example by providing a DataContext to the StaticResource or so.

1 Answer 1


You can create a template selector to allow you to choose which template to use.

    <DataTemplate x:Key="FirstTemplate">
        <TextBlock Style="{StaticResource DataGridTextBlockStyle}" 
                   Text="{Binding Module.DisplayItem.Text}"/>
    <DataTemplate x:Key="SecondTemplate">
        <TextBlock Style="{StaticResource DataGridTextBlockStyle}" 
                   Text="{Binding Module.GeneralItem.DisplayItem.Text}"/>
<DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Item-Name">
            FirstTemplate="{StaticResource FirstTemplate}"
            SecondTemplate="{StaticResource SecondTemplate}"/>

public class DisplayItemTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector
  public DataTemplate FirstTemplate
  { get; set; }

  public DataTemplate SecondTemplate
  { get; set; }

  public override DataTemplate SelectTemplate(object item, DependencyObject container)

    if (item is  GeneralItem)
        //second template etc
    else if (item is DisplayItem)
        //first template
      return base.SelectTemplate(item, container);

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