I am trying to built doughnut chart but, it's not working with this data:

    {  y: 12749, legendText:"PS 3", indexLabel: "PlayStation 3" },
    {  y: 103, legendText:"Wii", indexLabel: "Wii" },
    {  y: 1, legendText:"360",exploded: true, indexLabel: "Xbox 360" }, 
    {  y: 30, legendText:"DS" , indexLabel: "Nintendo DS"},

However, it is working fine with this:

    {  y: 129, legendText:"PS 3", indexLabel: "PlayStation 3" },
    {  y: 103, legendText:"Wii", indexLabel: "Wii" },
    {  y: 100, legendText:"360",exploded: true, indexLabel: "Xbox 360" }, 
    {  y: 30, legendText:"DS" , indexLabel: "Nintendo DS"},

Any suggestions for this problem, I know in google charts we can use logscale but I am not sure about this one.

  • How do you mean, not working? No chart? Console errors? Nov 17, 2015 at 16:12
  • when i put the small and large data, no chart appear but when i put normal data i got the chart Nov 17, 2015 at 16:15
  • no, i think it is just the data problem Nov 17, 2015 at 16:27
  • 1
    Seems like a bug in their implementation? If you play with the demo on their own page: canvasjs.com/docs/charts/chart-types/html5-doughnut-chart and change the top value to 100, then it breaks just as you describe Nov 17, 2015 at 16:33
  • So, anything can be done to solve this issue?? Nov 17, 2015 at 16:40

1 Answer 1


I was able to track down what I think is the issue in canvasjs.min.js and fix it. Looks like an argument was missing from one of their functions. This can be fixed with a simple find and replace within canvasja.min.js. Search function g(a,b) and replace it with function g(a,b,recursionCount). I was able to get your data working with this change.

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