My function has this signature:

func foo(bar: String, baz: ((String) -> ())? = nil)

And now I want to make unecessary to escape self inside the given closure. But when I try this:

func foo(bar: String, @noescape baz: ((String) -> ())? = nil)

The compiler complains:

@noescape may only be applied to parameters of function type

Is it possible to use it in optional parameters?

  • it cannot be used together with an optional function. if you remove the ? = nil it works.
    – luk2302
    Nov 18, 2015 at 12:16
  • Thanks for the quick response, I know that removing ? = nil works , let's see if anybody has a different thought
    – gfpacheco
    Nov 18, 2015 at 12:19
  • my compiler complains too. may i know, why do you need this? i think that noescape tells "it is guaranteed not to be needed after the execution is completed". Optional means that the value exists in two different states. if you set nil to optional value, there still exists some reference to it. if closure is Optional the closure can be nil, but still exists the reference to it. noescape seems to be more like 'temporary' ... Very interesting question!! Nov 18, 2015 at 21:23
  • 3
    I wanna be able to send or not a closure to foo, but if I do, I don't wanna need to use self. inside my closure. And yes, the closure won't be stored or called asynchronously
    – gfpacheco
    Nov 19, 2015 at 2:22
  • 1
    I also have this issue and don't see why @noescape can't be added to optional closures (except insofar as the language designers haven't gotten around to it yet). Nov 22, 2015 at 17:12

1 Answer 1



If your requirements are the following:

  • the baz param is a closure
  • the baz param is marked with @noescape (because you want to omit self in the closure code)
  • the baz param can be omitted during the invocation of foo


Then you can use the following syntax

func foo(bar: String, @noescape baz: ((String) -> ()) = { _ in } ) {


As you can see the main difference from your code is that:

  • here baz is not an optional type (but it's an "optional parameter")
  • and its default value is an empty closure not a nil value.


As you requested you can now pass a closure to baz without the need of using self

class Boo {
    let world = "world"
    func boo() {
        foo("hello") { (something) -> () in

And you can also omit the baz param

class Boo {
    let world = "world"
    func boo() {

Update: using a closure with return type different from Void

In a comment below users TadeasKriz asked about how to use this approach with a closure having the return value different the Void.

Here it is the solution

func foo(bar: String, @noescape baz: ((String) -> (Int)) = { _ in return 0 } ) {


Here the baz param does required a closure with 1 param of type String and a return value of type Int. As you can see I added a default value to the param, a closure that does return 0. Please note that the default closure will never be used so you can replace 0 with any Int value you want.

Now you can decide whether to use pass your closure to the baz param

class Boo {
    let world = "world"
    func boo() {
        foo("hello") { (something) -> Int in
            return 100

Or, again, you can totally omit the baz param.

class Boo {
    let world = "world"
    func boo() {
  • Awesome workaround while Swift doesn't allow the "right way"
    – gfpacheco
    Jan 2, 2016 at 4:55
  • 1
    Unfortunately not helpful when having a closure with a return type other than Void. Jan 14, 2016 at 1:33
  • For example: func foo(bar: String, @noescape baz: (String -> MyAwesomeType) = { _ in } ) { }. Jan 14, 2016 at 1:35
  • I ended up workarounding it with: func foo(bar: String, @noescape baz: (String -> MyAwesomeType?) = { _ in nil } ) { } Jan 14, 2016 at 1:46
  • @TadeasKriz: I added an update to my answer. Now you can use closure with return type different from Void. Feb 4, 2016 at 12:12

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