Ok - everyone has to start somewhere and I'm going to assume you are a novice so if any of this information is too basic, please excuse it.
There are tiers to consider here....First let's break down what the languages do - I'm going to talk about additional languages because I see people already talking about servers and scripting to so I'm going to try and tie this all together for you. I started self taught and learned a lot of hard lessons so hopefully this add's a little bit of an advantage to the learning curve.
SERVER Think of a server as a computer. It run's slightly different software but the principles are the same. It's only job is to store code, interpret it and present it when called. A very popular server software that you'll find is apache so let's focus on this for now. Windows is not a server and can't be used as a server. However, it's possible to edit a server with windows and it's possible to run server software on top of windows just like any other application. You'll hear references to WAMP, LAMP, XAMPP and a bunch of other acronyms but for now you just need to know why they exist and what they do. A server is not required to write and produce html and css documents
HTML The primary purpose of HTML is to tell a web browser what it's looking at. You'll see a lot of HTML4 vs HTML5 and a ton of other arguments that won't make a lot of sense up front. The important thing to remember about HTML is that it is the framework for everything website related. A lot of people will argue that other languages are more important for one reason or another but without html, none of the other languages matter at all. Whatever you know about this is fine for now. Start small and work your way up.
CSS Is amazing. CSS3 is the current standard but there are still some things that are not cross browser compatible. That's a story for another day but the basics are the same everywhere. You define your classes, id's and elements then tell them how they're going to look. The more you get in to CSS the more you'll realize how amazing it really is. It's useful on a lot of levels and plays a big part in some scripting languages. The biggest thing to remember about CSS is that you should write as little as possible. The more rules you write, the more chance there is for overlapping and something you wrote 3 files ago on line 463 is going to dominate a new rule you just wrote. Try and write as much as possible in classes too so you can really make your code globally usable.
PHP/ASP These are just two of the more popular languages that are considered back end languages. When you're thinking of a website, break it down like this. Front end = Browser, Back end = server. Anything that PHP does is on the browser side. As an end user of a website, you'll rarely see it but it's a major component. This is relevant because as you grow, you'll wonder about trying your hand at a back end scripting language. That's great but that's when you're going to start getting in to servers and such so I'm sure you'll hear a lot about the benefits of it but for now, just stay focused on the basics until you're comfortable.
Javascript/jQuery Again, this is just two popular examples of the many scripting languages that are available on the client side(the browser). These languages can generally be viewed(and edited) by the end user. They are extremely useful for changing pages content without reloading the page and they can talk to the server languages as well. Again, get more comfortable first with your basics before branching out here but with the references you're bound to receive to these languages as you learn, it's helpful to know what they do and why.
Editor To edit html you can absolutely use any text editor. Word, notepad, notepad++, sublime-text, wordpad...literally anything that saves in a standard text format. As long as the extension is html, css, etc. The editors geared towards programming offer a lot of features and benefits as compared to the basic editors available in your windows/mac setup. Try your hand at a few different ones and see what suits your taste. You can write one file of html, download the programs and right click to open with each program to see the differences. Personally I recommend Notepad++ but to each his own.
Why is my answer so long? I know this is a majorly overkill answer to your question however I also know how hard it was for me to get started in this field without some very basic knowledge. This should be enough to get you off and running and hopefully help out when you encounter some unfamiliar territory. In the future, if you find yourself looking to get in to the server/scripting world, let me know and I'll pass along a write up I did on setting up xampp for windows.
Good luck!!