
Below code shows error

$th= $row['url']; 
//where $row['url']  it contains url///

$get_url = $th; 
$url = trim($get_url);

This is also showing error. How to fix it?

While the below code does not show any error and working fine.

$get_url = $_POST ['url'];
$url = trim($get_url);

The above code which is showing error.
Can any one fix it?

  • in your first code $u is not a string use $u = "example.com/xyz.png"; and you don't need $get_url you could directly use $url = trim($u);
    – goupil
    Nov 25, 2015 at 5:46
  • you can also include any errors you get in the question itself. Nov 25, 2015 at 6:06

1 Answer 1


In php you need to wrap strings in quotation marks, as well as indicate the end of line with a ;

 $u = "http://example.com/xyz.png";

The reason the code on the bottom doesn't give an error is because php will wrap the result of the POST in quotes by default, as it gets handled like a string.

  • $th= $row['url']; ///where it contains url $get_url = $th; $url = trim($get_url); this is also showing error Nov 25, 2015 at 5:55
  • I'm not sure what your question is with the above comment?
    – peanut
    Nov 25, 2015 at 5:59

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