I try to figure out which direction the user have "mousewheeled" using a binding on a mousewheel
event for my element.
You can see in the following snippet, when mousewheeling your mouse over the grey rectangle, the event is triggered.
<div class="rect"></div>
Mousewheel event state :
<label class="event-state-mousewheel">Triggered !</label>
.rect {
width : 200px;
height : 200px;
background-color : lightgrey;
.event-state-mousewheel {
color : red;
display : none;
$(function() {
$('.rect').on('mousewheel', function(event) {
$(".event-state-mousewheel").stop(true, false).fadeIn(250).fadeOut(250);
I cannot find a way to get the direction. I tryied to debug the object returned when the event is triggered, but it is way too big to debug since the amount of element in it is monstruous.
Is there a formula using these element (from the object returned) to get the mousewheel direction ?
Or is there an event like $("#element").on("mousewheeltop")
I want at possible not use any other external plugin, only JQuery.