We want to display an htmlwidget inside an OpenCPU application.The html is generated by Leaflet without problems, however we have some troubles to display it within the OpenCPU app. We used the following function to generate the Leaflet Map:

leafmap1 <- function(ecoregion='10105',wdpa_id='1500'){
m <- leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%  # Add default OpenStreetMap map tiles
addMarkers(lng=174.768, lat=-36.852, popup="The birthplace of R")

The JavaScript is as follows:

function SochiCtrl($scope){
$scope.ecoregions = ['10105']
$scope.wdpa_ids = ["1500"]
$scope.ecoregion = $scope.ecoregions[0]
$scope.wdpa_id = $scope.wdpa_ids[0]    
$scope.makeChart = function(){
   var req = ocpu.rpc("leafmap1", 
    {"ecoregion": $scope.ecoregion, "wdpa_id": $scope.wdpa_id}, function(output){   
     alert("Error: " + req.responseText);
$scope.$watchCollection('[ecoregion, wdpa_id]', function(newValues){
  $scope.makeChart({ecoregion: newValues[0], wdpa_id: newValues[1]})

Now the app shows the Leaflet frame but I have some problems getting the json from OpenCPU I got the following error No method asJSON S3 class: htmlwidget. I also tried with:

m <- toJSON(m, force= TRUE) 

but it doesn't seem to work.
enter image description here

The full code is available at: https://github.com/Arevaju/ocpuleaflet.

Thanks a lot for your help and congratulations for your great work!!


1 Answer 1


Sorry as this is not a tested answer, but this is easier to explain a proposed approach here than in a comment.

What I propose is to have your function leafmap1 return plain text (HTML) instead of the leaflet object.

You can see that the leaflet object inherits the class htmlwidget. For this class, there exists a method for the generic function toHTML that would allows retrieving such HTML code.

Assumed a leaflet object:

 m = leaflet() %>% addTiles()

Let's have a look at it's class:

[1] "leaflet"    "htmlwidget"

Get the underlying generated html:

> (out <- unclass(htmlwidgets:::toHTML(m)))
<div id="htmlwidget-7863" style="width:100%;height:400px;" class="leaflet html-widget"></div>
<script type="application/json" data-for="htmlwidget-7863">{"x":{"calls":[{"method":"addTiles","args":    ["http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png",null,null,{"minZoom":0,"maxZoom":18,"maxNativeZoom":null,"tileSize":256,"subdomains":"abc","errorTileUrl":"","tms":false,"continuousWorld":false,"noWrap":false,"zoomOffset":0,"zoomReverse":false,"opacity":1,"zIndex":null,"unloadInvisibleTiles":null,"updateWhenIdle":null,"detectRetina":false,"reuseTiles":false,"attribution":"&copy; <a href=\"http://openstreetmap.org\">OpenStreetMap\u003c/a> contributors, <a href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/\">CC-BY-SA\u003c/a>"}]}]},"evals":[],"jsHooks":[]}</script>

Third slot contains dependancies (javascript+css) so I guess those are already loaded in your report.

You may return the concatenation of the first two components (function result):

return(paste(out[[1]], out[[2]], sep="\n"))
  • Nice, but how do you include the html in your script? Do you mind precise the js call on the client side?
    – YCR
    Commented Oct 11, 2016 at 14:31
  • I worked only once with opencpu, years ago. Does adding in HTML a div element and append the result to it? Sich as $('#results').append("<br/>");(found at stackoverflow.com/questions/11418535/…) Commented Oct 11, 2016 at 16:39
  • tryed session.getObject(function(outtxt){ $("#my_div").text(outtxt); }); and <div id="my_div"></div> and didn't worked. Maybe in a way I am not aware.
    – YCR
    Commented Oct 11, 2016 at 16:49
  • Can you try with append? Commented Oct 11, 2016 at 17:51
  • Append add the underlying generated html. I have tried it but still miss something. The html copied/paste(plus a call of the css and js scripts) does not produce the graph so far. The bounty period come to an end so I'll give you the reward for the answer (the concept to return part of the code and manually set up the css and js library is a good one)
    – YCR
    Commented Oct 12, 2016 at 14:39

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