I have created a Scene with ILNumerics that consists of 3 PlotCubes and a Colorbar.

Screenshot of the ILPanel

I wanted to add a method that exports the scene as an image in two ways, the first being the screenshot you see above. The second export is supposed to only show the centric cube.

I attempted to follow the guidelines of ILNumerics for scene management.

I wrote the following code:

public void ExportAsImage(int resolutionWidth, int resolutionHeight, string path, bool includeSubCubes)
        using (ILScope.Enter())
            ILGDIDriver backgroundDriver = new ILGDIDriver(resolutionWidth, resolutionHeight, ilPanel1.Scene);

            if (includeSubCubes)
                // code for standard export here
                // setting left and top cube and color bar invisible and
                // adjusting main cube size is affecting the ilPanel.Scene
                backgroundDriver.Scene.First<ILColorbar>().Visible = false;
                GetElementByTag<ILPlotCube>(backgroundDriver.Scene, _leftCubeTag).Visible = false;
                GetElementByTag<ILPlotCube>(backgroundDriver.Scene, _topCubeTag).Visible = false;

                GetElementByTag<ILPlotCube>(backgroundDriver.Scene, _mainCubeTag).ScreenRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1);
                GetElementByTag<ILPlotCube>(backgroundDriver.Scene, _mainCubeTag).DataScreenRect = new RectangleF.Empty;


                // save image

                // revert changes done to cubes and color bar
                backgroundDriver.Scene.First<ILColorbar>().Visible = true;
                GetElementByTag<ILPlotCube>(backgroundDriver.Scene, _leftCubeTag).Visible = true;
                GetElementByTag<ILPlotCube>(backgroundDriver.Scene, _topCubeTag).Visible = true;

Note: "GetElementByTag" is an own implementation to retrieve objects in the ILNumerics Scene.

I first expected that the new driver basically creates a copy of the Scene I can work on, but like the code shows I have to revert all changed after the export or the displayed ilPanel only shows the scene the way I exported it.

Is it possible at all to do export to image without affecting the real Scene? Am I just missing some details?

Regards, Florian S.

1 Answer 1


Florian, it does make a copy. But you need to add the interesting part to a new scene. The magic is happening in the Add() method:

var scene4render = new ILScene(); 
// ... configure scene4render here, it will be detached from the original scene
// with the exception of shared buffers.

// ... proceed with rendering

In order to also include + render interactive state changes to the original plot cube (let's say rotations by the users mouse) you'd use something like that:


Also, I wonder what GetElementByTag does better than ILGroup.First<T>(tag, predicate) or ILGroup.Find<T>(...)?

See also: http://ilnumerics.net/scene-management.html

  • Thank you. This was exactly the code part I was missing, it seems. We use "GetElementByTag", because some tests showed that the normal approach is not case sensitive and looks for tags containing the given tag as string, e.g. Find<ILNode>("He") will return an ILNode with tag "hello" Nov 30, 2015 at 9:07
  • True. You might consider using the predicate parameter with and anonymous function as an alternative.
    – user492238
    Nov 30, 2015 at 10:34

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