Basically I wanted to try bitwise manipulation in Java, and it seems that C and Java do not handle the bits in the same way.

public static boolean checkIsPowerOfTwo(int x) {
    return ( !(x & (x-1)) );

This function, taken from here is not working as expected in Java, so my understanding of bitwise operators is clearly not right for Java.

The error I get is

CheckIsPowerOfGivenNumber.java:13: error: bad operand type int for unary operator '!'
return ( !(x & (x-1)) );

How can I correct this?

  • That is c code, not Java. What have you found about operators in Java. Why do you expect it to work? Nov 29, 2015 at 7:23
  • ! is a boolean operator. You're trying to apply it on an integer.
    – JB Nizet
    Nov 29, 2015 at 7:24

2 Answers 2


Java type system is more strict comparing to C. In particular it does not perform automatic conversion from int to boolean (which actually helps to prevent many stupid bugs). The ! operator in Java is applicable for boolean type only. Use == operator to explicitly compare the value with 0:

public static boolean checkIsPowerOfTwo(int x) {
    return (x & (x-1)) == 0;

Actually (x & (x-1)) == 0 is a valid C code as well, but looks definitely less cryptic. I would recommend writing on C this way as well.


Actually the bitwise part is correct the problem is ! is a logical not --- the bitwise not (comm operator is ~. Having said that you still have the probem of convert your int to a boolean.

    return ((~(x &(x-1)) == 0);
  • That doesn't work, it compiles but changing !something to ~something == 0 is obviously wrong
    – harold
    Nov 29, 2015 at 9:45

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