I implemented my own widget by extending GWT CellTable. I am now looking to remove the 2px table borders that GWT has by default on the table. Here is the structure of my custom widget:

public class CustomWidget extends CellTable {

public CustomWidget (DataModel _dataModel, Updater _updater) { ... } }

I saw a related answer here on StackOveflow and followed those steps. However, I extend CellTable to create my own widget, which is different from the original post where an instance of a basic CellTable is created. The step I need help with is how to tweak the following line of code, given in the other post, to provide a new Resources class to my custom CellTable widget:

CellTable myCellTable = new CellTable(15, GWT.create(TableResources.class));

where TableResources extends CellTable.Resources.

1 Answer 1


One way to do this is to define a css class (somewhere you make sure that it loads in your target page):

    border: 0;

and then in your java code:

CustomWidget cw = new CustomWidget(...);

this overrides border attribute of your widget.

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