Since in meteor insecure is enabled by default, I disabled it by typing "meteor remove insecure" in terminal in the app's directory. But when i tried to make it as "insecure" again, it said:

$ meteor.bat create insecure
You can't create a Meteor project inside another Meteor project.

How do I enable insecure again?

1 Answer 1


insecure is a package. To add pacakges, you use meteor add [packagename]. So, inside of your project directory you would run meteor add insecure.

That answers your question, but it's my civic duty to recommend using allow/deny rules, or methods instead of insecure.

  • Hear hear! Once you remove insecure it should never come back. It's a training wheels package (like autopublish). Dec 6, 2015 at 0:29

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