I am on a weird kick of seeing how few lines I can make my code. Is there a way to condense this to inline case statements?

    switch (FIZZBUZZ)
      case "Fizz":
          //Do one process
      case "Buzz":
          //Do one process
      case "FizzBuzz":
          //Do one process

to look something like this:

    switch (FIZZBUZZ)
      case "Fizz": //Do one process
      case "Buzz": //Do one process
      case "FizzBuzz": //Do one process
  • 3
    I think this needs updating as this is possible in C# 8
    – Ben
    Commented Feb 20, 2019 at 18:24

13 Answers 13


Introduced in C# 8.

You can now do switch operations like this:

    "fizz"     => /*do something*/,
    "fuzz"     => /*do something*/,
    "FizzBuzz" => /*do something*/,
    _ => throw new Exception("Oh ooh")

Assignment can be done like this:

string FIZZBUZZ = "fizz";
string result = FIZZBUZZ switch
        "fizz"     => "this is fizz",
        "fuzz"     => "this is fuzz",
        "FizzBuzz" => "this is FizzBuzz",
        _ => throw new Exception("Oh ooh")
Console.WriteLine($"{ result }"); // this is fizz

Function calls:

public string Fizzer()     => "this is fizz";
public string Fuzzer()     => "this is fuzz";
public string FizzBuzzer() => "this is FizzBuzz";
string FIZZBUZZ = "fizz";

string result = FIZZBUZZ switch
        "fizz"     => Fizzer(),
        "fuzz"     => Fuzzer(),
        "FizzBuzz" => FizzBuzzer(),
        _ => throw new Exception("Oh ooh")
Console.WriteLine($"{ result }"); // this is fizz

Multiple inline-actions per case (delegates are a must I think):

string FIZZBUZZ = "fizz";
string result = String.Empty;

_= (FIZZBUZZ switch
    "fizz" => () =>
        result = "fizz";
    "fuzz" => () =>
        result = "fuzz";
    _ => new Action(() => { })

You can read more about the new switch case here: What's new in C# 8.0

  • standalone discard (learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/fundamentals/functional/…), that is what i need, thanks.
    – Lak Fu
    Commented Aug 22, 2022 at 8:24
  • Because I want to use condition operator in Properties (set), but the return value will caused a syntax error. you line 4 show the standalone discard ( _ = ....), it can solve my proble. So, thanks. XD
    – Lak Fu
    Commented Aug 24, 2022 at 5:40

If you want to condense things you could just put things on one line (let's imagine that "do one process is a call to Console.WriteLine):

switch (FIZZBUZZ)
    case "Fizz": Console.WriteLine("Fizz"); break;
    case "Buzz": Console.WriteLine("Buzz"); break;
    case "FizzBuzz": Console.WriteLine("FizzBuzz"); break;

If you want to get fancy you could create a map of strings to actions like this:

var map = new Dictionary<String, Action>
    { "Fizz", () => Console.WriteLine("Fizz") },
    { "Buzz", () => Console.WriteLine("Fizz") },
    { "FizzBuzz", () => Console.WriteLine("FizzBuzz") }

And then you could invoke the method like this:

map[FIZZBUZZ].Invoke(); // or this: map[FIZZBUZZ]();
  • Well but I have "handleFizz" and "handleBuzz" for the two calls. and then call them both for fizzbuzz. I would be repeating code this way. As much as I like to condense, I like efficiency. :)
    – Jim
    Commented Aug 5, 2010 at 15:03
  • 1
    @Jim - I like correctness, readability, and maintainability. I am glad that in the fizzbuzz example at least, our interests may coincide. :-) Commented Aug 5, 2010 at 15:09

FYI, if anyone was looking for a inline shorthand switch case statement to return a value, I found the best solution for me was to use the ternary operator multiple times:

string Season = "Spring";
Season = Season == "Fall" ? "Spring" : Season == "Spring" ? "Summer" : "Fall";

You can optionally make it more readable while still inline by wrapping it in parens:

Season = (Season == "Fall" ? "Spring" : (Season == "Spring" ? "Summer" : "Fall"));

or by using multiple lines and indenting it:

Season = Season == "Fall" ? "Spring" 
       : Season == "Spring" ? "Summer" 
       : "Fall";

So, to serve as a code execution block you could write:

string FizzBuzz = "Fizz";
FizzBuzz = FizzBuzz == "Fizz" ? MethodThatReturnsAString("Fizz") : (FizzBuzz == "Buzz" ? MethodThatReturnsAString("Buzz") : MethodThatReturnsAString("FizzBuzz"));

Not the most respectable solution for a long list of case elements, but you are trying to do an inline switch statement ;)

Critiques from the community?

  • What about performance between this and using an "external" loop?. Commented Apr 14, 2021 at 4:25

With the assumption that this is purely esoteric and that you will not be tempted to use this in a production system, you could abuse expression trees:

FIZZBUZZ.Switch(Fizz => DoSomething(),
                Buzz => DoSomethingElse(),
                FizzBuzz => DoSomethingElseStill());

Where Switch is an extension method:

public static void Switch(this string @this, params Expression<Action>[] cases)
    Expression<Action> matchingAction = cases.SingleOrDefault(@case => @case.Parameters[0].Name == @this);
    if (matchingAction == null) return; // no matching action

  • 1
    I like it! interesting way of doing things.
    – user610217
    Commented Aug 7, 2012 at 15:42

In C# 8 you can do something like this

    public Form1()

    public static string GetSomeString(string FIZZBUZZ) =>
       FIZZBUZZ switch
           "Fizz" => "this is Fizz",
           "Buzz" => "this is Buzz",
           "FizzBuzz" => "this is FizzBuzz",
           _ => "Unknown"

This is equivalent to

    public static string GetSomeString(string FIZZBUZZ)
        switch (FIZZBUZZ)
            case "Fizz": return "this is Fizz";
            case "Buzz": return "this is Buzz";
            case "FizzBuzz": return "this is FizzBuzz";
            default: return "Unknown";
  • Yes, but you're returning a value. The challenge is to perform an Action. Commented Nov 22, 2019 at 22:00

You always have to have a break statement in order to leave the switch other than that you can do it as you mention

  switch (FIZZBUZZ)
      case "Fizz": /*Do one process*/break;
      case "Buzz": /*Do one process*/break;
      case "FizzBuzz": /*Do one process*/break;

Well if you're really interested in fewest lines of code you can write:

switch (FIZZBUZZ) { case "Fizz": /* Do one process */ break; case "Buzz": /* Do one process */ break; case "FizzBuzz": /* Do one process */ break; }

I wouldn't recommend it though.

It's hard to tell exactly what you're asking though - are you trying to fall through between cases, or just remove braces?

  • 2
    I actually did that to a coworker who irritated me once. Wrote an entire class on a single line. Commented Aug 5, 2010 at 14:55
  • I am trying to remove braces.
    – Jim
    Commented Aug 5, 2010 at 14:55
  • @Jim: other than the braces around the switch block itself, you don't need the other braces, so just remove them. Though if you're creating variables in any of those cases, it is suggested to have them to ensure scope safety. Commented Aug 5, 2010 at 15:02

Well an easy way would be:

switch (FIZZBUZZ)
     case "Fizz": Console.WriteLine("Fizz"); break;
     case "Buzz": Console.WriteLine("Buzz"); break;
     case "FizzBuzz": Console.WriteLine("FizzBuzz"); break;

Which is only one line each. But there's multiple statements per line...


You can put as much code on one line as you like with C#.

As Andrew says.

Personally my preference is to leave white space as it allows easier reading of the code but then again I am the only dev here who comments his code or writes methods and functions small enough to be able to quickly scan the code to see exactly what it does. :)


You don't need the curly braces for the case statements, but do you need a break statement for each case. Otherwise, you can't really do much


I don't know of any way to do this, while maintaining some readability, other than the obvious:

switch (FIZZBUZZ) 
      case "Fizz": { //Do one process } break;
      case "Buzz": { //Do one process  } break;
      case "FizzBuzz": { //Do one process  } break;

A challenge is to use C#8 switch expressions

The problem is that the body of each branch is an expression, not a group of statements.

You can work around this by making each branch return an Action object.

Note the syntax: if I explicitly cast any one of the expressions to the Action type, then the compiler will implicitly cast each of the other expressions. I chose to cast the last (default) expression.

public static void Performction(string input) =>
        (input) switch 
            "FIZZ" => () => Console.WriteLine("This is the fizz"),
            "BUZZ" => () => Console.WriteLine("This is the buzz"),
            "FIZZBUZZ" => () => 
                    Console.WriteLine("This is a Fizz");
                    Console.WriteLine("But it is a buzz as well!");
            _ => new Action(() => {})

So I took this on as a challenge. Instead of the usual answers of "Just use Switch..Case syntax" statements, I made it a coding challenge of skill and knowledge (not that I have much of either).



public enum FizzBuzz {

public static class EnumExtension {
    public static void SwitchCase ( this FizzBuzz enm , params KeyValuePair<FizzBuzz , Action> [] parms ) {
        foreach ( var kvp in parms ) {
            if ( kvp.Key == enm ) {


public class Program {
    static void Main ( string [] args ) {
        var enm = FizzBuzz.Fizz;

        ProcessEnum( enm );

    public static void ProcessEnum ( FizzBuzz enm ) {
            new KeyValuePair<FizzBuzz , Action>( FizzBuzz.Fizz , FizzMethod ) ,
            new KeyValuePair<FizzBuzz , Action>( FizzBuzz.Buzz , BuzzMethod ) ,
            new KeyValuePair<FizzBuzz , Action>( FizzBuzz.FizzBuzz , FizzBuzzMethod )

    private static void FizzMethod () {
        System.Console.WriteLine( "" );
    private static void BuzzMethod () {
        System.Console.WriteLine( "" );
    private static void FizzBuzzMethod () {
        System.Console.WriteLine( "" );


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