I have a simple table and a simple generated model to go along with it.

CREATE TABLE dbo.Admin (
     Id int IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL
    ,DomainLogin nvarchar(50) NOT NULL

When I attempt to add multiple entries via AddRange method (code below), it causes an error Incorrect syntax near ','.

var admins = new List<Admin>()
    new Admin() {DomainLogin = "zzz1"},
    new Admin() {DomainLogin = "zzz2"},
    new Admin() {DomainLogin = "zzz3"}


I've also tried using the Add method:

ctx.Admin.Add(new Admin() {DomainLogin = "zzz1"});
ctx.Admin.Add(new Admin() {DomainLogin = "zzz2"});
ctx.Admin.Add(new Admin() {DomainLogin = "zzz3"});

However, if I save each individual item, like below, it works, but as you can imagine, it really slows down when there is a lot of rows:

ctx.Admin.Add(new Admin() {DomainLogin = "zzz1"});
ctx.Admin.Add(new Admin() {DomainLogin = "zzz2"});
ctx.Admin.Add(new Admin() {DomainLogin = "zzz3"});

Why am I getting an error?

I should mention that I am using Entity Framework 7 with asp.net 5 / mvc 6. The version of Entity Framework 7 is "EntityFramework.MicrosoftSqlServer": "7.0.0-rc1-final"

P.S. I profiled the code and it generates the following SQL, which predictably gives the same error:

exec sp_executesql N'SET NOCOUNT OFF;
INSERT INTO [Admin] ([DomainLogin])
VALUES (@p0),
',N'@p0 nvarchar(4000),@p1 nvarchar(4000),@p2 nvarchar(4000)',@p0=N'zzz1',@p1=N'zzz2',@p2=N'zzz3'

P.P.S This is against SQL Server 2005

  • I mean, from your description, it appears there is a bug when it sends the batch of insert commands. Might just be as simple as that. Can you get the SQL it is generating for the .SaveChanges call?
    – test
    Dec 10, 2015 at 20:03
  • can you post full error? Dec 10, 2015 at 20:04
  • Are you using SQL Server 2005?
    – ErikEJ
    Dec 10, 2015 at 20:04
  • 1
    I would recommend piping out the sql that gets created with stackoverflow.com/a/20757916/299327 so that you can test it independently of entity framework to see where the issue is.
    – Ryan Gates
    Dec 10, 2015 at 20:07
  • @ErikEJ Yes, SQL Server 2005. Is that an issue? Dec 10, 2015 at 21:20

1 Answer 1


SQL Server 2005 is not supported by Entity Framework 7 (in fact SQL Server 2005 is not supported by Microsoft any longer).

Specifically, the multi-row INSERT VALUES syntax used by EF7 is not supported, it requires SQL Server 2008 or newer.

See https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramework/issues/3691

You may be able to work around it by setting a MaxBatchSize of 1

  • I just moved the database to Sql2012 and it worked fine. Thank you. Dec 11, 2015 at 7:16

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