I have a data frame having 1000 rows.I can use fix command or edit command in R to view and edit the data manually.I can't find any difference between the two. I want to know which is the efficient way of editing the data manually? Help me out in the same...

2 Answers 2


fix() invokes edit on x and then assigns the new version to the same object.


fix(my_dataFrame) #now my_dataFrame is changed

In edit() - we need to assign it to an object

my_new_dataFrame = edit(my_dataFrame)

You can read up on them - edit() and fix()


The difference is pretty trivial:

edit lets you edit an object and returns the new version.

fix lets you edit an object and modifies the original.

Internally, fix pretty much does the following:

  • Retrieve the name of the variable passed to fix (call it name)
  • Invoke result = edit(original)
  • Invoke assign(name, result, .GlobalEnv)

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