how to translate reduce to ObjC (or better to say how to solve your "average problem" in Objective C) was perfectly answered by André Slotta. the swift reduce is much more than that. I will try to answer the second part of your question, how the concept works in swift
func reduce<T>(initial: T, @noescape combine: (T, Self.Generator.Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> T
Return the result
of repeatedly calling combine with an accumulated value initialized to
initial and each element of self, in turn, i.e. return
combine(combine(...combine(combine(initial, self[0]),
self[1]),...self[count-2]), self[count-1]).
let arr: Array<Int> = [1,2,3,4,5]
let sum = arr.reduce(0) { (sum, i) -> Int in
return sum + i
print(sum) // 15
// this is an quasi equivalent of
var sum1 = 0 // ..... reduce(0)....
arr.forEach { (elementValue) -> Void in
sum1 = sum1 + elementValue // ...{ return sum + i }
print(sum1) // 15 reduce function will return accumulated inital value
// reduce is part of SequenceType protocol, that is why
let arr1 = ["H","e","l","l","o"," ","w","o","r","l","d"]
let str = arr1.reduce("") { (str, s) -> String in
str + s
// works the same way
print(str) // "Hello world"
// let have a litle bit more complex example, to see how powerful, useful and easy to use reduce can be
let dict = arr1.reduce([:]) { (var dict, s) -> Dictionary<Int,String> in
let i = dict.count
dict.updateValue(s, forKey: i+1)
return dict
print(dict) // [11: "d", 10: "l", 2: "e", 4: "l", 9: "r", 5: "o", 6: " ", 7: "w", 3: "l", 1: "H", 8: "o"]
array contain?average = [graphView.graphPoints valueForKeyPath: @"@sum.self"]
(or maybe@avg
instead of@sum