I'm using Delphi 10 Seattle for developing mobile application. In android mobile, how can I able to get the primary E-Mail address using Delphi 10 Seattle or Delphi XE8. I have found accessing the Primary e-mail using JAVA and please provide some example for accessing the primary E-Mail using Delphi.

Thanks in advance.

  • 2
    This is the same typical problem all us D10 Android developers face: we have java code examples of what we want to do and now we have to translate (wrap) that in Delphi API code. It's do-able but not easy. See my question link where I ran into a similar problem. Compare my Delphi api code to the Android doc's for the ActivityManager class and, if you are good, you'll see the pattern. Dec 19, 2015 at 3:57
  • See the detailed answer to a similar SO question: stackoverflow.com/a/39581114/2817399
    – blong
    Sep 27, 2016 at 22:01


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