I have seen Vec<_> a couple of times already. For example:

let a = "line1\r\nline2\nline3";
println!("{:?}", a.lines().collect::<Vec<_>>());

But what does that 'uncertain face' <_> mean?

I'm used to a typename in angle brackets, but what type can that be? The only meaning of underscore that I'm aware of is from Python as a name for an unused variable.


1 Answer 1


It means "Rust compiler, infer what type goes into the Vec". And it is indeed analogous to the unused variable in Python (and in Rust itself), in that it represents a placeholder for a type, like it can represent a placeholder for a variable name.

You can find an explanation in The Rust Programming Language chapter about iterator consumers:

Using a _ will let you provide a partial hint:

let one_to_one_hundred = (1..101).collect::<Vec<_>>(); This says "Collect into a Vec<T>, please, but infer what the T is for me." _ is sometimes called a "type placeholder" for this reason.

  • 3
    Thanks! For some reason generics chapter in the docs doesn't say anything about parameter type inference.
    – Amomum
    Commented Dec 18, 2015 at 21:45
  • Is there any documentation somewhere specifically about the _ syntax? I can't find any. I only find text where it is used when iterators are explained.
    – Lii
    Commented Aug 12, 2017 at 17:36
  • @Lii I think that's the only place it's mentioned right now. The issue on github for documenting the feature has been closed adding that paragraph to the iterators section: github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/22293 Commented Aug 15, 2017 at 12:07

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