i am using spring cloud's eureka and feign to communicate between some services (lets say A and B). Now id like to unittest my service layer of a single service (A). The problem is, that this service (A) is using a feign client to request some information of the other service (B).
Running the unittests without any special configuration throws the following exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: com.netflix.client.ClientException: Load balancer does not have available server for client: service-b
=> but i do not want any server to run.
My question is: Is there a way to mock the feign client, so i can unittest my service (A) without running an eureka instance and service (B)?
I ended up creating a stub for the feign client. The stub is marked as a primary component to force spring instantiating the stub within my tests.
This is the solution i came up with.
//the feign client
public interface UserClient {
UserEntity getUser();
//the implementation i use for the tests
@Primary //mark as primary implementation
public class UserClientTestImpl implements UserClient {
@Override public UserEntity getUser() {
return someKindOfUser;