I am using Redux. In my reducer I'm trying to remove a property from an object like this:

const state = {
    a: '1',
    b: '2',
    c: {
       x: '42',
       y: '43'

And I want to have something like this without having to mutate the original state:

const newState = {
    a: '1',
    b: '2',
    c: {
       x: '42',

I tried:

let newState = Object.assign({}, state);
delete newState.c.y

but for some reasons, it deletes the property from both states.

Could help me to do that?

  • 4
    Note that Object.assign creates only a shallow copy of state and therefore state.c and newState.c will point to the same shared object. You tried to delete property y from the shared object c and not from the new object newState. Nov 12, 2018 at 18:30

17 Answers 17


How about using destructuring assignment syntax?

const original = {
  foo: 'bar',
  stack: 'overflow',

// If the name of the property to remove is constant
const { stack, ...withoutFirst } = original;
console.log(withoutFirst); // Will be { "foo": "bar" }

// If the name of the property to remove is from a variable
const key = 'stack'
const { [key]: value, ...withoutSecond } = original;
console.log(withoutSecond); // Will be { "foo": "bar" }

// To do a deep removal with property names from variables
const deep = {
  foo: 'bar',
  c: {
   x: 1,
   y: 2

const parentKey = 'c';
const childKey = 'y';
// Remove the 'c' element from original
const { [parentKey]: parentValue, ...noChild } = deep;
// Remove the 'y' from the 'c' element
const { [childKey]: removedValue, ...childWithout } = parentValue;
// Merge back together
const withoutThird = { ...noChild, [parentKey]: childWithout };
console.log(withoutThird); // Will be { "foo": "bar", "c": { "x": 1 } }

  • 3
    wonderful,without extra library,make use of es6 and simple enough.
    – sbk201
    Dec 28, 2017 at 12:06
  • 21
    Nice! Here's an es6 helper function to go along with it const deleteProperty = ({[key]: _, ...newObj}, key) => newObj;. Usage: deleteProperty({a:1, b:2}, "a"); gives {b:2}
    – mikebridge
    Jan 18, 2018 at 18:01
  • 1
    Note that the deep removal example will crash if deep['c'] is empty, so in a general case, you might want to add a check for the presence of the key.
    – Laurent S
    Jun 4, 2019 at 9:04
  • In the first example you would be left over with an unused variable stack. Mar 18, 2020 at 10:41
  • plugged this utility function right into my reducer function removeProperty(original, property) { let { [property]: _, ...newObj } = original; return newObj }
    – Meursault
    Jul 11, 2020 at 1:40

I find ES5 array methods like filter, map and reduce useful because they always return new arrays or objects. In this case I'd use Object.keys to iterate over the object, and Array#reduce to turn it back into an object.

return Object.assign({}, state, {
    c: Object.keys(state.c).reduce((result, key) => {
        if (key !== 'y') {
            result[key] = state.c[key];
        return result;
    }, {})
  • chiming in with my slight change to make it clearer IMO... also lets you omit multiple properties. const omit = ['prop1', 'prop2'] ... if (omit.indexOf(key) === -1) result[key] = state.c[key] return result; ...
    – josh-sachs
    May 5, 2017 at 19:33
  • 4
    ES6 equivalent to get a copy of myObject with key myKey removed: Object.keys(myObject).reduce((acc, cur) => cur === myKey ? acc : {...acc, [cur]: myObject[cur]}, {})
    – Sang
    Feb 27, 2018 at 7:52
  • This won't work if the object has inherited properties... Jan 29, 2021 at 15:26
  • @JuanMendes React state should just be key-value pairs. Inherited properties are a red herring. Feb 2, 2021 at 2:42
  • Sure, the question does mention redux... It's just that it's its title doesn't mention anything and it's the top result when looking for ways to remove from an object so it may as well have generic information that's useful to everyone Feb 2, 2021 at 15:44

You can use _.omit(object, [paths]) from lodash library

path can be nested for example: _.omit(object, ['key1.key2.key3'])

  • 3
    Unfortunately, _.omit cannot delete deep properties (what OP was asking). There's omit-deep-lodash module for this purpose.
    – pumbo
    Feb 20, 2017 at 15:30
  • 2
    Going off what @AlexM was saying. I found it useful, and it might be more appropriate, to us _.cloneDeep(obj) from lodash. That copies the object easily and then you can simply use js delete obj.[key] to remove the key.
    – Alex J
    Oct 8, 2018 at 17:28
  • Agree w/ @AlexJ, cloneDeep works perfectly and you can use the spread syntax with it as well: ..._.cloneDeep(state) for Redux
    – Sean Chase
    Oct 9, 2018 at 17:50

Just use ES6 object destructuring feature

const state = {
    c: {
       x: '42',
       y: '43'

const { c: { y, ...c } } = state // generates a new 'c' without 'y'

console.log({...state, c }) // put the new c on a new state

  • 11
    const {y, ...c} = state.c might be a little clearer than having two c's on the left hand side. Mar 13, 2018 at 20:14
  • 11
    beware: this doesn't work for an object keyed by integers
    – daviestar
    Apr 10, 2018 at 13:36
  • 3
    From the below answer, if you need to reference the variable name to be deleted: const name = 'c' then you can do const {[name]:deletedValue, ...newState} = state then return newState in your reducer. This is for a top level key deletion
    – FFF
    Apr 16, 2018 at 20:53

That's because you are copying the value of state.c to the other object. And that value is a pointer to another javascript object. So, both of those pointers are pointing to the same object.

Try this:

let newState = Object.assign({}, state);
console.log(newState == state); // false
console.log(newState.c == state.c); // true
newState.c = Object.assign({}, state.c);
console.log(newState.c == state.c); // now it is false
delete newState.c.y;

You can also do a deep-copy of the object. See this question and you'll find what's best for you.


How about this:

function removeByKey (myObj, deleteKey) {
  return Object.keys(myObj)
    .filter(key => key !== deleteKey)
    .reduce((result, current) => {
      result[current] = myObj[current];
      return result;
  }, {});

It filters the key that should be deleted then builds a new object from the remaining keys and the initial object. The idea is stolen from Tyler McGinnes awesome reactjs program.



As of 2019, another option is to use the Object.fromEntries method. It has reached stage 4.

const newC = Object.fromEntries(
    Object.entries(state.c).filter(([key]) => key != 'y')
const newState = {...state, c: newC}

The nice thing about it is that it handles integer keys nicely.

function dissoc(key, obj) {
  let copy = Object.assign({}, obj)
  delete copy[key]
  return copy

Also, if looking for a functional programming toolkit, look at Ramda.


You may use Immutability helper in order to unset an attribute, in your case:

import update from 'immutability-helper';

const updatedState = update(state, {
  c: {
    $unset: ['y']
  • Then how to delete all the property "y" of every array object item? Apr 13, 2019 at 18:31
  • @5ervant I think that's another question, but I'd suggest you to map the array and apply any of the given solutions here
    – Javier P
    Apr 25, 2019 at 19:07

It's easy with Immutable.js:

const newState = state.deleteIn(['c', 'y']);

description of deleteIn()


Here's an easy 1-liner you can use that allows you to partially apply the prop you want to remove. This makes it easy to pass to Array.map.

const removeProp = prop => ({ [prop]: _, ...rest }) => ({ ...rest })

Now you can use it like this:

const newArr = oldArr.map(removeProp('deleteMe'))

The issue you are having is that you are not deep cloning your initial state. So you have a shallow copy.

You could use spread operator

  const newState = { ...state, c: { ...state.c } };
  delete newState.c.y

Or following your same code

let newState = Object.assign({}, state, { c: Object.assign({}, state.c) });
delete newState.c.y

I normally use

Object.assign({}, existingState, {propToRemove: undefined})

I realise this isn't actually removing the property but for almost all purposes 1 its functionally equivalent. The syntax for this is much simpler than the alternatives which I feel is a pretty good tradeoff.

1 If you are using hasOwnProperty(), you will need to use the more complicated solution.


I use this pattern

const newState = Object.assign({}, state);
      delete newState.show;
      return newState;

but in book i saw another pattern

return Object.assign({}, state, { name: undefined } )
  • The second one, does not remove the key. It just sets it to undefined.
    – bman
    Nov 21, 2019 at 4:09

utility ;))

const removeObjectField = (obj, field) => {

    // delete filter[selectName]; -> this mutates.
    const { [field]: remove, ...rest } = obj;

    return rest;

action type


action creator

const myYRemoveAction = (c, y) => {

    const result = removeObjectField(c, y);

        return dispatch =>
                type: MY_Y_REMOVE,
                payload: result


export default (state ={}, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case myActions.MY_Y_REMOVE || :
      return { ...state, c: action.payload };
      return state;

As hinted in some of the answers already, it's because you are trying to modify a nested state ie. one level deeper. A canonical solution would be to add a reducer on the x state level:

const state = {
    a: '1',
    b: '2',
    c: {
       x: '42',
       y: '43'

Deeper level reducer

let newDeepState = Object.assign({}, state.c);
delete newDeepState.y;

Original level reducer

let newState = Object.assign({}, state, {c: newDeepState});

Use a combination of Object.assign, JSON.parse and JSON.stringify

const obj1 = { a: "a", b: "b" };
const obj2 = { c: "c", a: undefined };

const merged = Object.assign({}, obj1, obj2);

const sanitized = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(merged));

console.log(sanitized); // -> { b: "b", c: "c" }

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