I am working on ui-router. I have a state:

.state('new-personal-orders', {
    url: '/orders/new-personal-orders/:catId?',
    template: '<new-personal-orders></new-personal-orders>'

In my controller i can make the state call with the


In the Html File i have an anchor tag:

<a href="/orders/new-personal-orders#12">Link</a>

If the tag is clicked the state changes and 'new-personal-orders' turns into the current state with the trailing hash in the url. The url then looks like:


I want to do the same from the controller file with the $state.go() function of ui-router. But the hash url is not added.

My question is that is there any way that the hash url can be passed by the $state.go() in ui-router?

2 Answers 2


It seems that you can now put a hash in the state params like so:

$state.go('new-personal-orders', {'#': catId });

And you don't even need a /:catId in the state configuration at all. See https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/pull/1867


You can pass state params as an argument in $state.go :

$state.go('new-personal-orders', {catId: 12}, {reload:true})  
// refers to: http://localhost:3000/orders/new-personal-orders/#12

It seems that you are attempting to implement the same inside an ng-repeat, then you should replace 12 by something such as order.catId etc.

  • Actually 12 is not a parameter that i want to pass . localhost:3000/orders/new-personal-orders#12. A Hash Url instead . Commented Dec 24, 2015 at 18:31
  • A hash url would automatically be constructed by using $state.go, if you define the stateParams correctly. It seems futile to manually re-construct the already referred url of a state. Commented Dec 24, 2015 at 18:34

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