I have a program that basically opens and reads the syslog in ubuntu and use a keyword text file to search for specific words in the syslog and have that to be outputted into an output text file. Problem is, it was all going well until I can't seem to get any errors anymore which doesn't really help me as there is a mistake somewhere which makes me not see any output at all. I ran my regex using a perl online testing tool and it works but doesnt seem so when I try to run it on the terminal. I would be glad if someone could help me with this.

Here is my code:


use strict;  
use warnings;

my $syslogFile = 'syslog';
open (my $syslogInfo, '<', $syslogFile) or die "Could not open $syslogFile";

my $keywordFile = 'keyword';
open (my $keywordInfo, '<', $keywordFile) or die "Could not open $keywordFile";

while (my $line = <$syslogInfo>)

    if($line =~ m/[a-zA-Z]\s(\d{1-31})\s(\d{1-24}):(\d{1-59}):(\d{1-59})\s[a-zA-Z]\s($keywordInfo).\ni/)
        open(outputFile, ">>output");

        flock(outputFile, 2);

        print outputFile "$line\n";

Edit: Here is a sample of what is in the syslog

Dec 29 22:02:28 osboxes NetworkManager[686]: plen 24 (

  • 2
    Your regex doesn't look correct at all. For starters, the first element is for one and only one alphabetical character. I would recommend running your regex through an online tester to make sure it works, such as https://regex101.com/.
    – AntonH
    Jan 2, 2016 at 4:46
  • 1
    $keywordInfo is a filehandle... but the rest of your regex is bonkers as well.
    – Matt Jacob
    Jan 2, 2016 at 4:51
  • Also look here to see a regex to check times.
    – AntonH
    Jan 2, 2016 at 4:52
  • @AntonH Thank you very much for that website helped a lot! But another question though since I cannot find it in the book. How do you add a textfile or string into the regex?
    – TheNoob
    Jan 2, 2016 at 5:17
  • 1
    What's 2? Exclusive lock? Use LOCK_EX exported from Fcntl instead.
    – ikegami
    Jan 2, 2016 at 22:59

1 Answer 1


You include $keywordInfo in your regex. But $keywordInfo is a filehandle, which means that, when stringified, it will look like "GLOB(0x1819f30)". I suspect that's not the string that you're looking for.

You know how to read data from a filehandle. You're doing that with your other filehandle, $syslogInfo. So you just need to do that with this filehandle too. Something like this:

my $string_to_find = <$keywordInfo>;
chomp $string_to_find;

# Now use $string_to_find in your regex.
  • Oh that helped a lot. Got it working now thank you very much Dave!
    – TheNoob
    Jan 2, 2016 at 8:34

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