In my node.js application, I'm using JDBC to connect to a Oracle database. I need to increase my java heap space to prevent following error:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

I know that there is a terminal option for setting maximum Java heap size (-Xmx<size>) but the problem is, I don't explicitly run java, it happens inside my JDBC module (which depends on java module), so I can't use that terminal option.

So how java heap size can be configured in my case?

  • 1
    Have you tried: jinst.addOption("-Xmx1024"); ?
    – Valijon
    Jan 3, 2016 at 12:13

1 Answer 1


In short

I checked the source code of node-jdbc, and it's not possible at the moment.

In Detail

Refer the file jinst.js

var java = require('java');
module.exports = {
  addOption: function(option) {
    if (!isJvmCreated() && option) {
    } else if (isJvmCreated()) {

Refer the files pool.js, connection.js, resultset.js

var jinst = require("./jinst");
var java = jinst.getInstance();
if (!jinst.isJvmCreated()) {

You will see it's only setting the option -Xrs even though the node module java is giving the flexibility of adding any java options.

Next Step

For the moment I'm not interested in this project. But If I was in your shoes I will create a pull request to the project https://github.com/CraZySacX/node-jdbc with this option as a feature.

Cheers :)

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