I am trying to crawl though multiple web-pages and gather data.
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(4, maxtasksperchild=1000)
ret = pool.map(get_data_for_somthing, some_list) #ret not useful
Each process in-turn creates more threads (using threading API) For example if there is paging on web-page then threads will be created to access each page (url) at the same time.
All the PROCESSES collect data and dump in a csv (pandas is used). The individual CSV file in not more than 500KB.
dt = get_data_from_wb1(id, start=start, end=end)
nsdf = get_data_from_wb2(id, start=start, end=end)
if not nsdf.empty:
nsdf.drop("Label", axis=1, inplace=True)
nsdf.insert(0, "some_label", nsdf.index)
nsdf.insert(0, "id", id)
nsdf.columns = dbcols
nsdf["label_new"] = dt["label_new"]
nsedf.to_csv(path + variable + ".csv")
raise Exception("returned null")
except Exception as e:
logger_map.get(multiprocessing.current_process().name, setup_logger()).error(variable+ " : " + vriable2 + " : " + str(e.args[0]))
The above code shows what each process does and within "get_data_" functions more threads are created.
I have windows on core i7 quad core. So should I spawn 3 processes or 4? As one is the main processes.
MAIN question : One of the spawned processes takes up huge memory (5GB) whereas others take around 100-200MB. Why is this happening?
I cannot put the code here, so please dont downvote the question. But can somebody point me in the right direction as to why 1 process ends up taking so much memory?