I want to update a person
with the UpdatePerson
mutation. I don't want to specify each and every property in the inputFields
- but rather want to pass the complete person object.
When I do that I get Error: UpdatePersonInput.person field type must be Input Type but got: Person.
Is there no way to pass complete objects rather than all of their properties to a mutation?
If there isn't, could you add one - because the amount of repetition of fields across a larger app with bigger objects can become very frustrating.
Same might be an issue on getFatQuery
and static fragments
. Repeating all the properties over and over again would be a nightmare.
* Create the GraphQL Mutation.
export default mutationWithClientMutationId({
// Mutation name.
name: 'UpdatePerson',
// Fields supplied by the client.
inputFields: {
person: {type: qlPerson} // <========================================
// Mutated fields returned from the server.
outputFields: {
person: {
type: qlPerson,
// Parameters are payload from mutateAndGetPayload followed by outputFields.
resolve: (dbPerson, id, email) => {
return dbPerson;
// Take the input fields, process the mutation and return the output fields.
mutateAndGetPayload: ({qlPerson}, {rootValue}) => {
// TODO: Process Authentication {"session":{"userId":1}}
// Convert the client id back to a database id.
var localPersonId = fromGlobalId(qlPerson.id).id;
// Find the person with the given id in the database.
return db.person.findOne({where: {id: localPersonId}}).then((dbPerson)=> {
// Mutate the person.
dbPerson.email = qlPerson.email;
// Save it back to the database.
return dbPerson.save().then(()=> {
// Return the mutated person as an output field.
return dbPerson;
* Create the GraphQL Mutation.
class UpdatePersonMutation extends Relay.Mutation {
getMutation() {
return Relay.QL`mutation {updatePerson}`;
getVariables() {
return {person: this.props.person}; // <========================================
getFatQuery() {
return Relay.QL`
fragment on UpdatePersonPayload {
person {
email, // ??????????????????????????
getConfigs() {
return [{
fieldIDs: {
person: this.props.person.id
static fragments = {
person: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on Person {
email // ???????????????????????????
getOptimisticResponse() {
return {
person: this.props.person
* Exports.
export default UpdatePersonMutation;