I've got a simple mixin:

var _ = require('lodash')

Which I can use in code like so:

if (_.isUuid(someValue)) {
   // it's a uuid!

I'd like to be able to extend -based tests to leverage this module, for example:


The docs for extending Should are a little light; I tried:

var uuid = should.extend('uuid', _.isUuid)

But that throws:

TypeError: response.should.have.property(...).which.is.a.uuid is not a function

1 Answer 1


You used not right method. Method you used is to add should getter to any object. You need to use should.Assertion.add, like:

var should = require('should');

should.Assertion.add('uuid', function() {
  this.params = { operator: 'to be UUID' };

  • Nice! Thanks. Should.js docs didn't leave any indication that this would be the way to do it... Jan 8, 2016 at 19:19
  • Yep, probably. I will try to fix this later. Jan 8, 2016 at 19:19

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