I'm switching from VS to CLion and they said I needed to install Cygwin and CMake. I then installed both of them. I tried use bundled, but CLion still gives me these errors make: not found C Compiler: not found C++ Compiler: not found GDB: not found.

I have installed CMake under the path C:\Users\Gaga\Downloads\cmake-3.4.1 but I don't see a cmake.exe, the closest thing is cmake.cxx.

Without these I'm not able to compile anything, please help

enter image description here

  • cmake.cxx is a C++ source file. You probably downloaded CMake's source, which you'd need to compile. About the whole installation, I've had good results on Windows machines with mingw-w64 and CLion's own CMake.
    – Quentin
    Commented Jan 18, 2016 at 1:43
  • Not language-, but tool-specific. Commented Jan 18, 2016 at 1:44
  • @Quentin Ok I'll try to get mingw-w64 if none of this works out. But is there a way to compile CMake's source? Also should I Use bundled CMake3.3.2? When I ceck that I still get the same errors. Thanks Commented Jan 18, 2016 at 1:47
  • 1
    @Quentin I've downloaded the CMake installer and gotten the real thing and the exe. Thanks for the tip! I've gotten a new error CMake:test run finished with errors CMake Error: The source directory "/AppData/Local/Temp/cmake_check_environment0.tmp" does not exist. Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI. Commented Jan 18, 2016 at 2:07
  • I have the same error, any luck on this? Commented Feb 9, 2016 at 19:20

3 Answers 3


In the "Use specified" field I put C:\cygwin64\bin\cmake.exe your path may be different. Just ensure you have CMake, Make, gdb and gcc installed already in Cygwin (using the Cygwin setup.exe not via the CMake website) but I believe Clion checks if you have them installed after inputting the path. enter image description here

  • 1
    Clion should include these binaries in their src rather then making the lost users figuring it out by themselves.
    – f_i
    Commented Oct 20, 2018 at 17:32

The workaround would be to use MinGW. If you download it from the website it should come with cmake, and take care of the errors.


When extract it and go to the installer you should check something like gcc and then from the top left corner something like 'install packages'

Be sure not to accidentally download the source, which I did, which would lead you toward this error: CLion: CMake Errors Source directory does not exist

Edit: So over a year later, I've learned a little more about Cygwin and mingw beyond what the internet says. CLion needs a "Unix-like" environment. If you use CLion on MacOS or a Linux it's already Unix based. Anything that is "POSIX" compliant will work. CygWin is a terminal emulator for windows where Unix commands like mkdir work. MinGW is something similar but not posix. Comes with GCC tho. I'm still a noob.


I had the same problem. While installing cygwin, need to select the packages of cmake, gcc, gdb Got the answer from the below link.

Select Packages while installing cygwin

After the installation go to the configuration page and select the cygwin directory. CLion will identify the configuration and you are done...

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