When making a channel a channel like so:
(chan 10 tx)
If i created 10 channels like this and then sent a message to all at the same time, how would the transducers be executed. Would they run concurrent or on one thread?
I think that right now the behaviour of when the transducer is run is not defined, but looking at the implementation of ManyToManyChannel, the transducer (which is the add!
field) can be called both when writing and reading from the channel.
Running a simple test seems that if the channel is not full, the writing thread will execute the transducer, but if the channel is full, sometimes the reading thread runs it.
A sample with a small buffer:
(defn thread-name []
(.getName (Thread/currentThread)))
(require '[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [chan <! >! >!! go]])
(defn p [& args]
(locking *out*
(apply println (thread-name) ":" args)))
(defn log [v]
(p "Transforming" v)
(def tx (map log))
(def c (chan 1 tx))
(def c2 (chan 1 tx))
(loop []
(when-let [v (<! c)]
(p "Getting from c1" v)
(<! (async/timeout 100))
(loop []
(when-let [v (<! c2)]
(p "Getting from c2" v)
(<! (async/timeout 100))
(dotimes [_ 5]
(p "Putting in c1" 1)
(>!! c 1)
(p "Putting in c2" 100)
(>!! c2 100))
Produces the output:
nREPL-worker-20 : Transforming 1
nREPL-worker-20 : Putting in c2 100
async-dispatch-33 : Getting from c1 1
nREPL-worker-20 : Transforming 100
nREPL-worker-20 : Putting in c1 1
async-dispatch-31 : Getting from c2 100
nREPL-worker-20 : Transforming 1
nREPL-worker-20 : Putting in c2 100
nREPL-worker-20 : Transforming 100
nREPL-worker-20 : Putting in c1 1
async-dispatch-35 : Getting from c2 100
async-dispatch-34 : Transforming 1 <---- In this case is run in the reading side
async-dispatch-34 : Getting from c1 1
nREPL-worker-20 : Putting in c2 100
nREPL-worker-20 : Transforming 100
async-dispatch-37 : Getting from c2 100
async-dispatch-36 : Getting from c1 1
nREPL-worker-20 : Putting in c1 1