I understand most of how a RESTful site design should function, but in implementing a blog cannot decide the best way to present the form to insert a new blog post. Would example.com/posts/create be reasonable? This feels like the "create" is not restful, like it's putting information into the URI that should be simply represented by PUT/POST.

How would others do this?

3 Answers 3


Have a look at Rails Routing for the Rails view on this.

Verb   URL            Controller  Action   Used For
GET    /photos/new    Photos      new      return an HTML form for creating a new photo
POST   /photos        Photos      create   create a new photo

So, in your situation, GET /posts/new to get the new post form, but POST /posts to create a new post.

The point is, you're POSTing a new blog post, but to do that you need to GET the form that will enable you to do this. In a way, the new blog post form is just another (static) resource.

  • That's where my mind was leading but it's reassuring to see other people agree :) Thanks. Aug 17, 2010 at 16:19

If you don't like the way that URL feels, then change it to:

GET http://example.com/posts/createform
  • 1
    I think this hits the nail on the head. You just changed the verb create for the noun createform. Indeed, just /posts/form works well too, I guess. But please remember to allow clients to discover the URI of the form somewhere else!
    – mogsie
    Aug 17, 2010 at 19:07

Use a POST to submit the information for the insert, and then have the page do a redirect to the with the new ID in the URL. You don't want to have the new information on the URL since a user refreshing the URL will post twice.

  • Yes, but what about displaying the form for inserting the new post? That's what the question is about.
    – Skilldrick
    Aug 17, 2010 at 15:57

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