Im using Hapi 12.1.

Trying to figure out how to call certain extension points only on certain routes.

For example for : '/hello' I want to call three different extension points that work on the 'onRequest' step.

For: '/goodbye' I want to call a different extension point that works also on the 'onRequest' but is a different operation and a 'onPreAuth' step.

For: '/health' Dont call any extension points, and just drop into the handler straight away..

I have tried various ways to create a plugin, define the routes, and extension points. But it seems the the extension points are global, and dont only operation on the plugin's scoped routes.

What am I missing?

1 Answer 1


You have access to the path on your extension points, using request.route.path. With that, you can define what you want to run, depending on the path. Example:

server.ext('onPreAuth', function (request, reply) {

    switch(request.route.path) {
        case '/test1':
        case '/test2':
            // Do something

        case '/test3':
            // Do something else



Alternatively, you can also make it dependent on the route configuration:

server.ext('onPreAuth', function (request, reply) {

    if(request.route.settings.plugins.runPreAuth) {
        // Do something



Then, you just define in your route the configurations:

    method: 'get',
    path: '/test1',
    handler: function(request, reply) {

        reply({result: 'ok'});
    config: {
        plugins: {
            runPreAuth: true
  • I dont think the second method works anymore. "plugins" is not allowed. You can, however, use tags: tags: ['something'] in the route definition and check it with request.route.settings.tags Commented Apr 1, 2016 at 23:10
  • @Yashua That is false... in Route options documentation, you see: plugins - plugin-specific configuration. plugins is an object where each key is a plugin name and the value is the plugin configuration.. I am using it with the latest version of hapijs.
    – F. Gouveia
    Commented Apr 22, 2016 at 9:56
  • [email protected] to be more precise.
    – F. Gouveia
    Commented Apr 22, 2016 at 10:03

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