I'm trying to document my code with JSDoc (EcmaScript 2015, WebStorm 12 Build 144.3357.8).

I have an arrow function which I want to document its parameters. This two examples work (I get auto-completion):

/** @param {Number} num1*/
var a = num1 => num1 * num1;
/** @param {Number} num1*/
var a = num1 => {
    return num1 * num1;

But when I want to document an arrow function in forEach function, for example, the auto-completion isn't working (all of the below):

/** @param {Number} num1*/
[].forEach(num1 => {
    return num1 * num1;
/** @param {Number} num1*/
[].forEach(num1 => num1 * num1);
[].forEach(/** @param {Number} num1*/num1 => num1 * num1);
[].forEach(/** @param {Number} num1*/num1 => {
    return num1 * num1;

Has anyone managed to get this work?

2 Answers 2


Starting from the next EAP build, WebStorm will understand this:

[].forEach(/**Number*/num1 => {
    return num1 * num1;

Please look at WEB-19280 for details.

  • 3
    I came across this question when looking for vscode solution that's how it's done in vscode [].forEach(/** @param {Number} num1*/ num1 => { .... } Commented Jan 20, 2020 at 6:56
  • For VSC you can cast the array to the type you want to get autocompletion in the anonymous function: (/**@type {Array<number>}*/([])).forEach(num1 => num1 * num1)
    – Jonathan
    Commented Oct 2, 2023 at 7:59

You can use this format:

 * @param {(prevState: ActionState) => ActionState} setActionState
function f(setActionState) {
  // ...


 * @param {function(prevState: ActionState): ActionState} setActionState
function f(setActionState) {
  // ...

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